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Angela Slatter - St. Dymphna’s School For Poison have reprinted Angela Slatter's collection The Bitterwood Bible and Other Recountings.

To launch this they have posted a little taster, called St. Dymphna’s School For Poison Girls. It is, to some extent, a school and schoolgirl story, albeit with a twist. St Dymphna's is a finishing school - for girls who plan to kill their future husband, and potentially more of his family, in the name of revenge, of family honour, or any other societal reason.

But, as you might have guessed, there's more to the school than simply preparing girls to kill proficiently!

The story in illustrated with pen and ink drawings by Kathleen Jennings - the picture to the right is an example.

It's an entertaining read, and a good recommendation for the book, methinks!


Links: Tor.comAngela SlatterSt. Dymphna’s School For Poison Girls - Kathleen Jennings



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