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Aliette de Bodard - The Breath of WarWhilst I'm enjoying myself at Dysprosium, the 66th National SF Convention out in Heathrow, here is an interesting short story by Aliette de Bodard, called The Breath of War.

It talks about  a society coming out of a (civil) war, about what people do during such a time, even if not directly involved, and what his means you have to live with afterwards, when times and the situation have changed, when you're older, and when your aims and desires have evolved.

Haunting, fascinating, and nominated for the 2014 Nebula Award (which is for stories published in 2014, and will be awarded in 2015).


The picture on the right is from the Beneath Ceaseless Skies, where the story was first published.


Links: DysprosiumAliette de BodardThe Breath of War - Beneath Ceaseless Skies



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