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Quinn Norton - Love in the Time of CryptographyJust a quick hint, a pointer to something rather extraordinary, and of course entirely topically relevant in these days:

have a look at Quinn Norton's Love in the Time of Cryptography over on Backchannel.

It's a deceptively simple story about withholding personal information from the authorities who, by default, feel entitled to this, and the consequences and complexities this can have if you attempt to live a 'normal' life in an environment which expects you to share and overshare these things.

It's fascinating, thought provoking, and (at least for me) slightly sad. But go read, and make up your own mind!

The illustration which goes with the story is by very talented Illustrator Daniel Stolle

Links: Quinn Norton - Love in the Time of Cryptography - Backchannel - Daniel Stolle




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