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BibliobimboBookbaitTart of the TomesI wanted to draw your attention to the BiblioPulp collection over at the Heldfond Book Gallery


These altered book covers made me smile - they are available as posters, as greeting cards, and quite likely in other formats, too.


Some particularly lurid examples are on the right, but the scope is actually larger than that. Well done!



S.P. Somtow – I Wake from a Dream of a Drowned Star City


Ken MacLeod - Cosmonaut Keep


Doris Lessing - Shikasta


Tricia Sullivan – Occupy Me


Aliette de Bodard – In the Vanishers’ Palace

Andy Weir - The Martian


Lavie Tidhar - Central Station


Peter Watts – Maelstrom


Sydney Padua - The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage


Peter Watts - Blindsight


Liz Williams - Empire of Bones


Iain Sinclair - Radon Daughters


Somtow Sucharitkul - The Throne of Madness


Somtow Sucharitul – Starship & Haiku


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