This is a most gorgeously drawn series, following the adventures of a boy (who has problems fitting in) in a parallel fantasy world - so far so vanilla, but very nicely done indeed!
If you're new to this then I'd suggest you start with Chapter 1, and if you enjoy it why not support the artist (who has just put out 3 month's work for free!) by getting something from his print shop, or buy the Wormworld iPod/Android app?
I'd like to draw your attention to the Fall/Winter 2011 edition of Flurb, Rudy Rucker's Webzine of Astonishing Tales, which publishes short stories which are hard to place, both in topic as well as in terms of finding a publication.
I haven't read all the stories yet (I'm pacing myself, given that this is something which lends itself for reading on a mobile device when one is out of sensible reading material whilst on the move), but can comment on the following already: have posted 12 Steampunk Sonnets by Roz Kaveney, Guest of Honour (and Poet Laureate) at Illustrious, this year's Eastercon (UK National Science Fiction convention), and I found them very readable and enjoyable; regardless if you are in the midst of Steampunk fever, or feel that the fad has really run its course by now.
The picture on the right is only related to this in my head (via Google image search - so other people's heads, and some piece of sofware, duplicate this leap) - it's a piece of art (a Pocket Watch Necklace) from Jezebel Charms, and rather, er, charming I though.