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Future Tense Fiction is a series of short stories from Future Tense and the ASU (Arizona State University)'s Center for Science and the Imagination.

It is published monthly on Slate - the theme for April-June 2019 was Space Settlement. The series focuses on how technology and science will change our lives.

And I would suggest you have a look at the May installment, the short story 'No Moon and Flat Calm' by Elizabeth Bear; mixing space exploration with the lessons learned from the Titanic.

The accompanying picture is by Lisa Larson-Walker


Links: Elizabeth Bear - No Moon and Flat Calm - Slate - Future Tense - ASU - Lisa Larson Walker 




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S.P. Somtow – I Wake from a Dream of a Drowned Star City


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Andy Weir - The Martian


Doris Lessing - Shikasta


Ian Sales – Adrift on the Sea of Rains


Peter Watts - Blindsight


Somtow Sucharitkul - The Throne of Madness


Tricia Sullivan – Occupy Me


Doris Lessing – The Sirian Experiments


Lavie Tidhar - Central Station


Somtow Sucharitul – Starship & Haiku


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Ken MacLeod - Cosmonaut Keep


Thomas Pynchon - Slow Learner, Powered by Mambo!; free resources by SiteGround