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Debbie Urbanski - An Incomplete Timeline of What We Tried

Here is a short - story? - fitting for a slightly depressing, dry, blue January. Debbie Urbanski talks in her story An Incomplete Timeline of What We Tried on Vice Motherboard about the End of Humanity. 

The story is subtitled 'Working Back from Human Extinction', and does exactly that - provide a list of events and interventions, in reverse chronological order, of the run-up to human extinction. You will not be surprised that it begins in the today, or maybe even the yesterday, with 'Turn off the lights when you are no longer in the room.'

But if the path to hell is paved with good intention, then the path to human extinction is paved with decisions made with the best intentions. At least some of them, the rest of course were made due to greed, other interests than humanity overall, or simply stupidity...

But read for yourself...

Links: Debbie Urbanski - An Incomplete Timeline of What We Tried - Vice - Motherboard



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