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Memories of the Gore AdministrationNew York Magazine has a series of six alternate history shorts called 'Memories of the Gore Administration', looking back at the ten-year history of Presidents Al Gore and Mitt Romney.

George W. Bush, meanwhile, is in rehab.

Six episodes with five writers - what I've read of it so far was fun.


Aliette de Bodard – In the Vanishers’ Palace


Peter Watts – Maelstrom


S.P. Somtow – I Wake from a Dream of a Drowned Star City


Somtow Sucharitul – Starship & Haiku


Doris Lessing - Shikasta


Doris Lessing – The Sirian Experiments


Tricia Sullivan – Occupy Me


Liz Williams - Empire of Bones


Somtow Sucharitkul - The Throne of Madness


Peter Watts - Blindsight


Thomas Pynchon – Gravity’s Rainbow


Charles Stross - The Atrocity Archives

Andy Weir - The Martian


Iain Sinclair - Radon Daughters


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