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Lauren Beukes - Unathi Battles The Black HairballsLauren Beukes has a new 'short' story (it's not all that short)  - Unathi Battles The Black Hairballs - out on SFX.

The story is a firework of ideas and concepts and cultural cross-linkages and styles (the approach is reminiscent of Tom Holt, but much more modern, and much more fun to read) - even the opening sequence starts as it means to go on, ie cross-cultural and full of allusions :

Unathi was singing karaoke when the creature attacked Tokyo. Or rather, she was about to sing karaoke. Was, in fact, about to be the very first person in Shibuya’s Big Echo to break in the newly uploaded Britney come-back hip-hop remix of the Spice Girls’ classic ‘Tell Me What You Want (What You Really Really Want)’.

So - very much recommended! The full story can be found here.

And I want more stories about Flight Sergeant Unathi Mathabane, her mecha, and her whale penis leather boots. Please?


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