EscapePod has published an online readable version of Ferrett Steinmetz's short story "Run," Bakri Says on their website. This was originally published in Asimov's last October, but appears now to be available for general consumption on the open Internet - to the benefit of all, I have to say after reading the story!
"Run," Bakri Says plays in a scenario where the inventor of some technological breakthrough, who also is a Bomb/IED making specialist in some unnamed insurgency, has been caught up in a general round-up by the American soldiers. It plays in real life, on Video Games, and on how time travel could, just could, turn real life into some kind of Video Game if you had save points you could go back to...
It's unsettling, it's thought provoking, and it's rather well executed. A candidate for an award, I would think...
Full story here.