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And the Ass saw the AngelMarkus reviews And the Ass saw the Angel by Nick Cave, and reviews in style (without getting near anything Nick would have done, of course!)

This is the Ballad
Of Euchrid Escrow
The mute
The ass
Who could see Angels
But couldn't tell

He was living
In the Valley of the Ukulites
Led by their Prophet Johnas Ukulore
Excommunicated from the Baptist faith
For his revelations and visions.

Son to Ezra Morton
From the Black 'Morton' Range
Trapping Animals
And having them fight
Amongst each other

Son to Jane Crowley
Or 'Crow Jane'
The mad
Distilling 'White Jesus'
And constantly drunk on it.

Deviant Religion
Sexual Obsessions
Violent Puritanism
And White Jesus


This is the Ballad
Of Euchrid Escrow
The mute
The ass
Who could see Angels
But couldn't tell

But enough of bad imitations of the Master, I'm not worthy. This is a dark and gritty underdog story, like an extended version of one of his epic songs.
It is told, again like his songs, partly in 1st person (Euchrid), partly in 3rd person (everyone else, but sometimes also Euchrid).
Its language is very direct, but somehow misleading, a bit like Religion. Ah, Religion. This is a rather harsh (but entirely believable) take on religion on the Christian fringes.

And the Ass saw the Angel is Nick Cave's first (and, as far as I can ascertain only) novel, although he has published lyrics, plays, criticisms and much more before and after.
A must of Cave fans (and not just for completists), and definitely recommend if you enjoy the writing of people like Bukowski or the music and lyrics of Tom Waits. Exactly what one needs after an overdose of Maria Doria Russell…

Title: And the Ass saw the Angel
Author: Nick Cave
Reviewer: Markus
Reviewer URL:
Publisher:  Penguin
Publication Date: 1990
Review Date: 20 Feb 2008
ISBN: 014013151
Price: RRP UKP 6.99
Pages: 312
Format: Paperback
Topic: Religion


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