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SF Signal

A Hugo Award-winning science fiction and fantasy blog featuring news, interviews, reviews, points of view and fun stuff.
  1. So long, and thanks for all the fish...
  2. Helen Lowe says Goodbye to SF Signal
  3. Despite routine action and occasional lapses in plotting, the latest Marvel film provides a genuine sense of fun
  4. Ada Palmer is taking care of sf set between "near future" and "far future"
  5. Congrats to all the nominees!


Thomas Pynchon - Slow Learner


Aliette de Bodard – In the Vanishers’ Palace


S.P. Somtow – I Wake from a Dream of a Drowned Star City


Sydney Padua - The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage


Iain Sinclair - Radon Daughters


Somtow Sucharitkul - The Throne of Madness


Ian Sales – Adrift on the Sea of Rains


Ken MacLeod - Cosmonaut Keep


Somtow Sucharitul – Starship & Haiku


Charles Stross - The Atrocity Archives


Peter Watts - Blindsight

Andy Weir - The Martian


Peter Watts – Maelstrom


Tricia Sullivan – Occupy Me


Doris Lessing – The Sirian Experiments, Powered by Mambo!; free resources by SiteGround