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Seth Kallen Deitch - The Gaon of ChozzeraiOn a lighter note, for once - here is a classic little tale, written by the inimitable Seth Kallen Deitch, called The Gaon of Chozzerai, published in Rudy Rucker's currently dormant Flurb magazine (worth reading around in, much recommended!)

I leave it to the reader to establish the meaning of the title - let's just say that it's quite pertinent to the story, which deals with a parallel dimension where things that are lost end up, and the fortunes of the (failed) scientist who finds his way there. If you ever wanted to know where your missing single socks go, this story provide an solution to the riddle.

This is a fun story, and whilst not terribly deep or important, but well worth reading. 

The picture on the right is unattributed, and comes from a alien conspiracy site. If it's yours please let me know, and I'll add a reference!

Links: Seth Kallen Deitch - The Gaon of Chozzerai - Flurb - Rudy Rucker



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